Welcome to my blog

Hello and welcome to my blog. I enjoy messing around creating websites, YouTube videos, blogs and other stuff. I write this blog in my spare time to share my enthusiasm for technology, gadgets and the internet.


Hama Star 75 Tripod

This tripod from amazon is, In my opinion, quite good. It weighs 620g and comes in a carry bag. Its height when fully extended is 125cm and its height when collapsed is 42.5cm according to the manufacturer. It uses clips to secure the legs when extended, unlike the old one I had before this. It also has a useful spirit level for the tilt.


My favorite watermarker- Exif watermarker

My favorite watermarker- Exif watermarker is my chosen number one watermarker because it is simple and easy to use and offers resizing as well as watermarking. The program is free but you can buy a license key to remove the reminder- yes reminder, not plural. It only shows one single reminder when the program starts up. It works quickly and produces high quality files (Provided you set the quality quite high). I actually use it for the pictures in this blog, so take a look at them.